NCDOL Study Finds Benefit of On Site Consultation
A recent United States Department of Labor (USDOL), Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) study indicates that employers who initiate on-site safety and health consultative visits see economic benefits. Based on three statistical models, USDOL concluded that the nationwide On-Site Consultation Program provides national economic benefit of $1.34 billion.
Applying the same three statistical models as the Federal study, the North Carolina Department of Labor (NCDOL) found economic benefit of $61,521,606 with one model and a range from $24,693,305 to $119, 656,701 using the other two models for employers who used the agency's on site consultative visits in 2017. NCDOL's Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) Division, Consultative Services Bureau (CSB) has 19 safety and health consultants who provide free and confidential assistance to small employers and high-hazard industries throughout the state. They are available to help employers eliminate hazards from their worksite, reduce the likelihood of injury, and save money by lowering insurance premiums and other costs associated with workplace accidents. In 2017, they conducted 1,618 consultative visits with NC employers.
Visit the NCDOL website to learn more about the program. The national study can found on the OSHA website.