White House Releases Fall Regulatory Agenda and Regulatory Plan

President Trump at Cabinet Meeting • November 19, 2019

Official Whitehouse Photo: Tia Dufour

White House Releases Fall Regulatory Agenda and Regulatory Plan

Today (Wednesday, November 20, 2019) President Trump released the Fall 2019 update to the Unified Agenda of Regulatory and Deregulatory Actions. EPA has listed 145 rules, all but six in proposed or final stage and many on an ambitious schedule for completion. The Agenda includes 56 actions that are expected to be deregulatory and 37 actions appearing for the first time

In a news release, EPA Administrator Andrew Wheeler said that his agency has finalized 47 deregulatory actions, saving Americans nearly $5 billion in regulatory costs. Amit Narang, Regulatory Policy Advocate at Public Citizen has noted that $5 billion represents a lifetime amount and the regulatory cost savings for all deregulatory actions in the first three years would be $350 million according to Kelsey Brugger, E&E News Reporter (see "Trump charts a regulatory path through 2020" GreenWire, Wednesday, November 20, 2019).

The administration has not yet provided an analysis of the Fall 2019 plan's adherence to the January 30, 2017 Executive Order on Reducing Regulation and Controlling Regulatory Costs which requires executive departments and agencies to identify at least two regulations to be repealed for every one regulation proposed or promulgated.